COMPROMISE: Each side gives up something to try and make the other side happy
Have you ever worked out a compromise agreement with someone? Maybe with your parents over a punishment? Or your friends when getting food?
Does a compromise make everyone happy or just tick everyone off a little less?
5 Wilmot Proviso
4 Missouri Compromise
Learn History
To Know Who You Are and who you want to be
Lincoln-Douglas Debates were from 1858 Illinois Senate race but issues are the same.
WOW.... What was this incredibly racist political add saying?
10 Harpers Ferry
9 Dred Scott v Sanford
7 Views on Compromise
3 South
2 West
11 Election of 1860
Col Robert E Lee
United States Marines
8 Kansas - Nebraska Act
Does Lincoln think compromises will work?
6 Compromise of 1850
1 North